Upcoming Live Community Shows

From Stubble to Style - Friday, 7 pm Eastern

Welcome to a special one-hour live session with Tyson! In this exciting YouTube live, Tyson will be addressing your questions. But that's not all – we have a unique format planned for today's session.

To begin with, Tyson has prepared five predetermined questions that have been submitted by our valued customers. These questions cover a range of topics and are aimed at addressing common queries. This ensures that we cover some key points right from the start.

However, we also want to give you the opportunity to participate actively in the session. Tyson will be taking questions from the chat, allowing you to contribute and engage directly with him. Remember, to ensure a smooth and respectful experience, we kindly request that all questions are appropriate and relevant to the discussion.

Lastly, Tyson wants to express his heartfelt gratitude to the Copper Johns family. Your love, trust, support, and friendship mean the world to him. Without you, none of this would be possible. So, let's make this live session a celebration of our fantastic community and the bonds we've built.

Get ready for an interactive and informative one-hour live session with Tyson. Let's come together, and make this an unforgettable experience!

Game Night - Saturday 10 pm Eastern

Come and join us on the screen and join in the fun! It's set to be a hilarious and enjoyable time! Mark your calendars for Saturday at 10 pm EST. Everyone will have the opportunity to play and join in the fun. Feel free to bring your significant others along for a great time of laughter and friendly competition. See you there!